Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

sepenggal Fatwa untuk Engkong

Akhir-akhir ini karena engkong (nama pangilan untuk seorang penjual gorengan keliling di ciganjur)mengeluhkan sepinya dagangannya. bahkan kemaren malam ia merugi 30 rb rupiah karena masih banyaknya gorengan yang belum laku. yang semula engkong biasa mengantongi laba 50rb-100rb rupiah sekarang menjadi minus 50rb sampai laba 20tb rupiah, dilihat dari sudut manapun itu jelas jauh berkurang.
"kenapa enggak laku kong" tanya penulis menyelidik, "engkong terlalu sering libur sih, ato gara gara libur kemaren yang terlalu lama". "ya enggak mah, biasanya juga tetep laris aja, enggak tahu kenapa kok akhir2 ini jadi enggak laku". "muternya kurang jauh mungkin kong" tanya penulis mencoba memberi semangat, "ya enggak juga" sergahnya dengan cepat "biasanya juga sama, dari gang ...bla...bla...."
Pada intinya engkong tidak melakukan ritual yang menyimpang sepanjang karirnya sehingga memungkinkan gorengannya tidak laku. Penulis jadi bertanya-tanya kenapa omset engkong bisa berkurang ? apakah karena krisi global yang sedang melanda seluruh dunia, bisa jadi itu, atau ada kemungkinan lain. Tapi bukankah dunia bisnis engkong jauh dari investasi dan perdagangan valas ? Atau karena gorengan engkong tidak mengantongi label halal dari MUI.
Apapun penyebabnya saya yakin masih banyak engkong-engkong, embok-mbok, embak-embak pedangan kecil lain yang bernasib sama dengan engkong yang saya kenal. pedagang seperti kecil seperti engkong ini pasti akan teribas krisis sekecil apaun krisis yang dialami oleh bangsa ini. apalagi jika mengingat krisis yang Indonesia alami telah berlangsung lama dan tak kunjung membaik.
Hhmmm ... untuk tidak meyalahkan pemerintah terlalu jauh kami, satu Kelurahan berembuk membahas sebuah Fatwa halal untuk engkong. yah mungkin ini akan bisa memberikan semangat tambahan supaya engkong bisa bangkit dari keterpurukan ekonomi, yah semoga. !

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

Perang, bisnis senjata dan krisi global !

Tertangkapnya Victor Bout mengungkap begitu mengiurkan hasil dari penjual senjata ilegal di seluruh dunia. Bout tak memiliki ideologi atau lebih tepatnya melepaskan atribut tersebut untuk bisa bekerja sama dengan semua pihak. Ia adalah pedagang; Merchant of Death. Tak peduli apakah itu Al Qaeda, sekelompok warlord haus darah di Afrika Barat, atau kelompok yang didukung Amerika.
Bisnis senjata memang menguntungkan, Alex Yearsley dari Global Witness yang berbasis di London mengatakan, pengiriman senjata Bout dibayar dengan sumber daya alam di Afrika, ini yang konon membuat banyak jendral rusia kaya raya. Bout bukan satu satunya pebisnis senja ilegal didunia, dia hanya puncak dari sebuah gunung es yang menyisakan bongkahan besar yang takterlihat di bawahnya.
Lihat saja bagaimana getolnya amerika memasarkan peralatan perangnya ke berbagai negara didunia, katakanlah Jepang, Australia, Singapura, Taiwan, Korsel, Thailand itu belum termasuk negara-negara Timteng yang kaya raya. Selain untuk menyebarkan pengaruhnya di dunia internasional, hasil dari penjualan senjata juga akan mengalirkan dana-dana segar untuk riset teknologi perang yang berkelanjutan.
Tenggok saja Pertempuran israel vs palestine yang baru saja reda, adakah kepentingan bisnis senjata di balik perang ini ?. konflik-konflik yang terjadi, dari utara hingga ke selatan dari timur hingga ke barat, para produsen senjata, laskar swasta dan para militer, mentor-mentor perang, intrik versus trik dan berbagai metode sabotase, hingga pemusnahan massal atas dasar isu ras bahkan gender. Semua muncul bersamaan dengan berbagai isu, motif yang variatif, sekali waktu berhubungan konteksnya antarsatu wilayah konflik dengan konflik lain, tapi bisa saling kontradiktif di lain waktu. Senantiasa menyebarkan bau mesiu dan aroma khas lembaran-lembaran uang.
Karena Negara adidaya tidak hanya menjadikan perang sebagai fungsi penaklukan wilayah, perebutan pasar serta sumber-sumber alam dan tenaga-tenaga kerjanya saja. Lebih jauh perang merupakan mekanisme untuk mengatasi krisis ekonomi yang diakibatkan kelebihan produksi. Kerawanan-kerawanan massal yang terjadi sejak 4 dekade yang lalu hingga dewasa ini, makin menguatkan argumen ini.

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in St Petersburg, then known as Leningrad. He was raised as an only child; his two brothers died young, one shortly after birth, the other of diphtheria during World War II. Although it was officially prohibited by the Communist law, Putin was baptized in the Russian Orthodox faith. In his youth he was often called Putka. His father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, was a factory foreman and died in August 1999 (his mother, Maria Ivanovna Putina, died six months earlier).

Mr Putin has good command of English and German and he is fond of sports, especially wrestling. He has been going in for sambo (a Russian style of self-defence) and judo since the age of 11. He won the sambo championships of St Petersburg many times and became Master of Sports first in sambo and later in judo. Putin doesn't smoke and he is not an excessive drinker.

Vladimir Putin is married to Lyudmila (1958) and has two daughters: Katya (1985) and Masha (1986). They were both born in Dresden, Germany and now attend an international school in Moscow. The Putins love animals; they own a white poodle called Tosca. Lyudmila is a graduate of the philological department of the Leningrad State University. After studying, she first worked as a stewardess in Kaliningrad and then as a schoolteacher. She speaks German, Spanish and French.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin studied law at State University in St Petersburg, then known as Leningrad. After graduating in 1975, he worked in the KGB's foreign intelligence service, mainly in Germany. He left the KGB in 1990 and became an ally of liberal Anatoly Sobchak, the mayor of St Petersburg, whom he met during his study. He first became Mr Sobchak's head of external relations and then served as deputy mayor from March 1994. When Mr Sobchak lost power in 1996 it was another liberal, deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais, who recommended him for a job in the presidential administration. There he rose to be deputy chief-of-staff before being asked, in July 1998, to take charge of one of Russia's new security services, the Federal Security Bureau (FSB), replacing Nikolai Kovalyov. Subsequently, President Boris Yeltsin appointed him as head of the powerful Security Council. After Boris Yeltsin sacked Sergei Stepashin in August 1999, he became Russia's prime minister. On the last day of the 20th century, Boris Yeltsin resigned and appointed him as acting president. Presidential elections were held on March 26, 2000. Putin received 52.94 percent of all votes. The inauguration took place on May 7, 2000.
Until the presidential elections, Vladimir Putin had no experience of elected office. Putin was not renowned as a charismatic speaker - his nickname used to be the "grey cardinal". During recent summits though, he proved to be an excellent speaker indeed. He is said to be most popular among young people, Muscovites and educated people. His reputation is of a good chairman and organiser. Putin is a candidate of economic sciences (1996).

Boris Yeltsin introduced him to the Russian people by saying that "he will be able to unite around himself those who will revive Great Russia in the new, 21st century". Sergei Stepashin later described him as a "decent and honest man". Boris Nemtsov, a former deputy prime minister, said that "he’s a decent, tough and energetic man who was out of public politics due to the specifics of his job". During a summit in June 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton praised him for "surely being capable of creating a strong and prosperous Russia". After Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev met with Mr Putin in August 2000, he told that "he's certainly no threat to the Russian democracy".

The Meanning of Islam

The world Islam is derived from the Arabic root "SLM" which means, among other things, peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense the word of Islam means submission to the Will of God and obedience to His law. The connection between the original and the religious meanings of the word is strong and obvious. only through submission to the Will of God and by obedience to His Law can one achieve true peace and enjoy lasting purity.
Some outsiders call our religion "Mohammedanism" and address the believers in Islam as "Mohammedans". The Muslims both reject and protest the use of these words. This misnomer implies that the religion takes its name after a mortal being, namely, Muhammad and that Islam is no more than another "ism" just like Judaism, Hinduism, Marxism, etc. Muhammad was only a mortal being commissioned by God to teach the word of God and lead an exemplary life. He is a living proof of what man can be and of what He can accomplish in the realm of excellence and virtue. The true name of the religion, then, is Islam and those who follow it are Muslims.
Contrary to popular misconceptions, Islam or submission to the Will of God, together with obedience to His Law, does not mean in any way loss of individual freedom or surrender to fatalism. anyones who thinks or believes so has certainly failed to understand the true meaning of Islam and the concept of God in Islam. The concept of God in Islam describes Him as the Most Merciful and Gracious, and the Most Loving and most concerned with the well-being of man and as Full of Wisdom and care for His Creatures. Tobe Continue....